Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Digestive System -- April 7, 2011

During the fourth session of science club the students learned about the digestive system. Each student was given a cracker. They ate the cracker and were taught the process of digestion as they ate the cracker...Your tongue and check muscles push the cracker down your pharynx, which leads to your esophagus. The esophagus continues to the stomach where more chemical and mechanical digestion break down the cracker. The cracker is now ready to be absorbed into your blood stream. Muscles continue to push the cracker into your small intestine where digestion continues and the nutrients are absorbed into your blood stream. The small intestine leads into the large intestine where water, salts and minerals are absorbed. Next is the rectum where all the left over solid waste leaves the body.
They also learned that food stays in your stomach for 2-3 hours.

The students were then given a cracker to brake up into a cup then they added water and iodine, they were able to see the cracker brake down and turn to mush. The students also did an experiment with a cracker and coke.
The students were very captivated by the experiments, some students got a little queasy after thinking about the process....:0)

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